Puppies “P” have got 4 years old today ! Happy Birthday!

Today is the birthday of the first puppies who were born in our family! Prince Raphael Sunshine, Pretty Lady Coffeelove and Piny Silvan Elf! Bless you all, be happy and always loved! You are forever our first loved ones puppies! We congratulate the owners and sending a lot of Love, hugs and kisses!   [av_gallery…

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Dreams Come True! ☺

Queen Garden Geranium adores apples! Today she is happy to be in boxes full of apples! Dreams Come True! ☺   [av_gallery ids=’2309,2308,2307′ style=’thumbnails’ preview_size=’portfolio’ crop_big_preview_thumbnail=’avia-gallery-big-crop-thumb’ thumb_size=’portfolio’ columns=’3′ imagelink=’lightbox’ lazyload=’deactivate_avia_lazyload’ av_uid=’av-4i9yf6′]   [av_video src=’https://youtu.be/gsMFaZyYqpc’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-2sgioi’]

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Wonderful sunday in the forest!

Autumn this year gives us many beautiful sunny days. Gives us the opportunity to come to the forest more often. We love to be in nature. Our dogs are just happy in the forest! This Sunday we took a camera and made some pictures and movie.   Subscribe to our YouTube Channel

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We celebrate Ripley Ellen Birthday! 2 years old!☺

Today our youngest beloved dachshund is 2 years old! We visited Arboretum and all day we have fun and celebrate! And congratulations on the birthday of Ellen’s brothers Richelieu and Rocky and sister Rosie! We wish all of you health, love and long lifetime to make your wonderful owners more happy! ☺   [av_gallery ids=’2249,2248,2250′…

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Secret Alpha Centauri had the Home Dogs Championship FIFA 2018 ☺ There was a very serious and responsible fight for the ball. And, as always we have, Friendship won! Everyone was very tired, but got a lot of positive energy and happiness! ☺  

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We have some Good News!

Today, on February 1, 2018, our home was full in joy and happy! Our beloved Quееn Garden Geranium gave birth 2 wonderful boys! Welcome Super Boys and our Congratulations to happy daddy Zimerbude Uaz-Patriot!   [av_gallery ids=’972,735,971,970,734′ style=’thumbnails’ preview_size=’portfolio’ crop_big_preview_thumbnail=’avia-gallery-big-crop-thumb’ thumb_size=’portfolio’ columns=’5′ imagelink=’lightbox’ lazyload=’deactivate_avia_lazyload’ av_uid=’av-7b473′]

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Today we celebrate one year old of Alphacentauri’s kids “R”! Happy Birthday our lovely tiny hooligans Rosie, Ripley Ellen, Richelieu and Rocky! We love so much all of you!

In October 28, 2016 in our house were born 4 wonderful puppies! Richelieu, Ripley Ellen, Rose Dawson and Rocky Balboa. Today they celebrate the first year of life! We heartily congratulate the kids and their owners! We wish many Love, Joy and Health! The kids and their owners are celebrated birthday so happy! Richelieu in…

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Kids “R” have a small birthday!

Tiny Alpha Centauri’s kids “R” took 4 months old today! Rocky, Rosie and Ripley Ellen have fun and full basket of gifts and festive balls! [av_video src=’https://youtu.be/dOz8u32V4Qw’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-38ojza’]

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We have some Good News!

Tonight, October 28, 2016, our home was full in joy! Our beloved Aromatnaya Karamelka gave birth 4 wonderful puppies! 2 boys and 2 girls! Our Congratulations to happy father Zimerbude Uaz-Patriot!   [av_gallery ids=’963,961,960,959′ style=’thumbnails’ preview_size=’portfolio’ crop_big_preview_thumbnail=’avia-gallery-big-crop-thumb’ thumb_size=’portfolio’ columns=’5′ imagelink=’lightbox’ lazyload=’deactivate_avia_lazyload’ av_uid=’av-aayre’]

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